Affidavit is a Latin word. Affidavit is a declaration as to the facts, made in writing, sworn before a person having authority to administer an oath. Generally, interlocutory applications such as an application for attachment before judgement, interim injunction, appointment of a court receiver, etc. are supported by and decided on the basis of affidavits.
The word "affidavit" simply means a declaration made on in writing; a written statement, made on oath, to be used as legal proof.
I, Shri A B .C ,
age 35 years, occupation - service,
resident of 1250 Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411 004, do hereby state on solemn affirmation as follows :
1. That was born at on
2. That I passed my SSC Examination from the Maharashtra StateBoard of Secondary Education, Pune Division, in March
3. That I passed my HSC Examination from the Maharashtra StateBoard of Higher Secondary Education, Pune Division, in March
4. That I was graduated from the University of Pune in the year
In the Faculty of Arts/Commerce/Science.
5. That I joined the Government service in the Public Works Departmentas an Assistant, on ;
6. That I already completed the Diploma in Computer Technologyconducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Examinations,Mumbai, in the year
WHATEVER stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and so I have signed hereunder at Pune this____day of 200_
Sd/- ABC
AFFIANT I know the Affiant.
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