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Draft for society NGO

Legal Yojana

Draft for society NGO




The name of the society shall beREGD. OFFICE:-


The aims and Objects of the Society, for which the same is established, are as under:-

To provide sound education to the children of all communities irrespective of their race, religions, cast or creed in general and to prepare them to become nature and responsible citizens of the country through the all round physical intellectual, academic, mental and spiritual development based on values derived from the life.

To start establish, run take over, or manage and maintain schools, with an object secondary senior secondary, and higher education to children by seeking recognition and affiliation from the education departments and concerned Government authorities.

iii.      To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid and help in the setting up the different kinds of schools, colleges, lecture halls and other establishments or institutions for advancement of education and of knowledge in arts, science, literature, humanities and all the useful subjects in all their manifestations.

To arrange and manage the training institutions in Typing, Short – hand, Computer information technology, Fine Arts, Craft, Music, Painting, Modeling, Yoga, Physical Education and in their professional training subjects.

To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities of Awareness Programs, Adult Education Classes, Lectures, Essay Competitions Exhibitions, Symposium, Cultural programs, Press Conference and Seminars.

To provide food, clothing, medical aid stationery, transportations, libraries, laboratories, reading room, hostels play ground swimming pool and other required facilities to the students and also to the members of the society.

vii.     To establish and manage various kinds of Educational, Vocational, Industrial, Agricultural, Research and framing Institutions to introduce and develop the professional courses and also to arrange/provide all kinds of educational facilities to the students, scholars, trainees and to other needy candidates.

viii.    To establish, among the develop such out of school activity centers for the children of the under privilege class/section of society where they could have the benefits and joy of participating in sports, games artistic activities, like clay and wood work, music, dance, painting and also organize educational trips.

To institute scholarships and help to deserving students and to institute and award prizes, in recognition of excellence in academic performance of students.

To meet traveling, boarding and lodging expenses for the students going abroad for higher education and also help them in all possible ways.

To promote fine art, crafts among the public including establishment and maintenance of Shilpa Shikshalayas, Kala Kendras (relating to music, dance & modeling) etc.

xii.     To follow the ideology of great men and National Leaders who scarified their lives for the causes of depressed, deprived, SC & ST’s, Bengali Community/backward classes minority groups and for other needy peoples.

xiii.    To provide free concessional education to the poor, helpless and needy children/students.

xiv.    To engage, employ or hire appropriate staff, workers, legal or other professionals, attorneys, managers and Agents fr the Work and furtherance of the aims and objects of the society and to pay their wages, salaries stipends or fees.

To receive financial assistance (in the shape of loan or otherwise) from Government, Non-Government organizations, banks or any other legal entity or individual on reasonable terms and conditions.

xvi.    To borrow or receive money (with interest or without interest) and upon such terms and condition as are approved by the Government body of the society.

xvii.   To accept donations, grants, presents and other offerings (in the shape of movable or immovable properties) and the same shall be utilized by the promotion of aims and objects of the Society.

xviii.  To raise funds and resource for the attainment of any of the aims and objects of the society by all lawful means including investment of the funds, donation, fund – raising campaigns, cultural programs, sale of literature, property development, rent from the building etc.

xix.    To conduct research in education and other discipline with different subjects relating to education.

To arrange and organize social, cultural, educational and child welfare programs/activities from time to time.

xxi.    To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazine, periodicals, news papers and other publications on different subjects and in different languages.

xxii.   To conduct coaching classes for preparation of the various competitive examinations.

xxiii.  To make correspondences in lawful manner to solve the problems of the society like recognition of the schools/institutions engaged by the above society.

xxiv.  To erect, construct, after maintain, sell/lease, mortgage, transfer improve, manage and/or develop all or any part of the property/building of the society for attainment of Aims and objects of the Society.

xxv.   To purchase/acquired land for different establishments and to construct building/Mandir thereon for the case of society.

xxvi.  To purchase construct the building, hostels, houses or structures and/or modify, renovate the building or alter such existing buildings as may be necessary for the purpose of the society and to maintain such building in good condition.

xxvii.          To purchase or hire permanently or temporarily and vehicle or vehicles for transportations of the students and those buildings in good conditions.

xxviii.         To do or perform any other act which may be incidental or completive to the attainment of any of the object of the above society.

xxix.           To arrange and organize Durga Pooja, Religions Functions, Bhajan Kirtan etc. from time to time.

xxx.            To approach concerned authorities regarding the solution of problems of the society or the problems of the Bengali Community General Public.

xxxi.           To provide social-economic help/assistance to poor and needy people.

xxxii.          To provide free medical aid and start Charitable Hospital//Dispensary for the General Welfare of General public.

xxxiii.         To arrange activities for the safety of wild animals, and to make improvement in safety of the wild animals and to show mercy towards them.

xxxiv.                   To provide electricity and water facilities in locality.

xxxv.          To make arrangement for the roads in the rural area of the locality and to approach the concerned authorities to regularize the colonies and to make the improvement  in the locality.

xxxxvi.       To arouse the general public towards the aids and to inform the general people about the dangerous deceases of the aids and to make arrangement for safety of the same.

All the income, earning, movable & immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards of the promotion of its aims and objects as set for in the memorandum of association. No profit on there of shall be paid or transferred directly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or future members of the society or any person, through any one or more of the present of the future members.  No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of this membership.

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