[See rule 38]
Notice of demand under section 156 of the Income-tax Act, 1961
for payment of advance tax under sub-section (3) or
sub-section (4) of section 210
This is to give you notice under section 210 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, that the sum of Rs. ................ as
specified in the enclosed order has been determined to be payable by you during the financial year ....... - .......
2. The amount is payable in two instalments as mentioned in the Table.
Due date of instalment
 Amount payable
On or before the 15th December Not less than fifty per cent* of such advance tax.
On or before the 15th March The whole amount of such advance tax as reduced by the amount,
or amounts, if any, paid in the earlier instalment or instalments.
 Manager, authorised bank
Manager, State Bank of India
The amount is payable to Â
  at ............................................................................
Reserve Bank of India
When, if the amount is paid, you will be granted a receipt...............................…… challan(s) is/are en-
closed for the purpose, in which you should enter the amount of each instalment at the time of payment.
3. If at any time before the 1st instalment as aforesaid is due, you estimate that your income subject to
advance tax for the previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April,
…...., is less than the income on which you have been asked to pay advance tax as above and accordingly
you wish to pay an amount less than the amount which you have been so required to pay you may send to
the Assessing Officer in Form 28A reasons for the lower estimate made by you and enclose an estimate
of the advance tax so payable on such income calculated in the manner laid down in section 209 and in
that event you should pay such amount (less any instalment already paid in accordance with paragraph 2
of this notice) as accords with your estimate in such proportions on such dates specified therein. For this
purpose you should enter in the appropriate challans the amount payable according to your estimate. You
may revise the amount payable at any time before the last instalment is due and may adjust any excess or
deficiency in respect of the instalment already paid in the subsequent instalment.
4. If in your estimation, the advance tax payable on your current income exceeds the amount of
advance tax specified in an order of the Assessing Officer under sub-section (3) or sub-section (4) of
section 2l0 or as intimated by you under sub-section (5) of that section, you will pay on or before the due
date of last instalment specified in section 211,an appropriate part or, as the case may be, the whole of
such higher amount of advance tax according to your estimate.
5. If you are liable to pay advance tax under section 208 and have failed to pay such tax or the advance tax
paid by you under the provisions of section 210 is less than 90% of the assessed tax, you will be liable to pay
interest according to the provisions of section 234B. If you have failed to pay the instalments of advance tax by
the specified dates, interest will be charged as per section 234C of the Income –tax Act, 1961.
 Assessing Officer
*Sixty per cent with effect from 1-4-1992 vide Finance Act, 1992.
Order under section 210 of the Income-tar Act, 1961
Name of the assessee……………………............................. District or area....................................
Status* ............... ……................................. Permanent Account Number................................……
1. Total income on the basis of which regular assessment has been made/
return of income has been filed by you, for a subsequent year, being that
for the year ....... - ........
Rs. .......................
2. Income subject to advance tax.
Rs. .......................
3. Net agricultural income, if any, to be taken into account for purposes of
computing advance tax.
Rs. .......................
4. Gross income-tax chargeable on ‘income subject to advance tax.’
Rs. .......................
5. Sums included in ‘income subject to advance tax’ in respect of which
income-tax is not payable or on which a rebate of income-tax is
(i) Share of income from an association of persons or body of indi-
viduals or an unregistered firm on the profits of which tax has
already been paid
Rs. .......................
Rs. .......................
(it) Interest on income-tax free securities
Rs. .......................
(iii) Other items.
6. Total amount on which tax is not payable and the proportionate tax on
Rs. .......................
such an amount
7. Deduct: Tax which is deductible under sections 192 to 195 on any in-
come (as computed before allowing any deductions admissible under the
Act) and which has been taken into account in computing the ‘income
subject to advance tax’
Rs. .......................
Rs. .......................
8. Net amount of income-tax
Rs. .......................
9. Less: Amount on account of estimated double income-tax relief, if any
Rs. .......................
10. Balance payable
11. Less: Tax already paid in the financial year under section 210 in compli-
Rs. .......................
ance with the previous notice of demand served on.................... …......
NET AMOUNT OF TAX PAYABLE...............……
12. Total sum payable (in figures as well as words)
Rs. .......................
 (Rs. ....................)
Assessing Officer
*Note : In the case of a Hindu undivided family, please slate whether the Hindu undivided family has at least
one member whose total income of the relevant previous year exceeds the maximum amount not chargeable to
income-tax in his case.
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