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Writer's pictureLegal Yojana



[See rule 48G]

Statement to be furnished to the registering officer under section 269P(1)

of the Income-tax Act, 1961, along with the

instrument of transfer

1. Name and address of the transferor

2 Name and address of the transferee

3. *Detailed  description,  location and  other  particulars of  the

property transferred as given in the instrument of transfer

4. Whether  land is freehold or leasehold

5. In the case of building-

(a) floorwise plinth area

(b) year or years in which the building was constructed

6. Name and address of person(s)i  if any, in occupation of  the


7. $Name and address  of  any  other  person(s)  interested  in  the


8. Consideration for transfer as stated in the instrument of trans-


9. #Estimated fair market value of the property

10. If the transfer is by way of exchange, description and loca-

tion of  the thing or things for which the property is exchanged

11. #Fair market  value  of  the  thing or things  mentioned  against

item 10.

12. If the consideration for  transfer is less than the estimated fair

market value—

(a) whether the transferee is a relative of the transferor, and

if so,  indicate relationship

(b) whether a recital to the effect that the transfer is made to

the relatives for a consideration less than the fair market

value  on account of natural love  and  affection is made

in the instrument of transfer

13. Was any agreement to sell the property registered under the

Registration Act, 1908? If  so-

(a) date of conclusion of the agreement

(b) date and registration number of  the agreement

(c) consideration for transfer recorded in the agreement


Signature of the transferee


I, ......................................………………………………, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to

the best of my knowledge and belief.

Verified today of.....…….   …......


Signature of the transferee

Notes :

1. *If the space is insufficient, separate enclosures may be used for the purpose.

2.. $ “Person  interested”,  in  relation  to any  immovable  property,  includes  all  persons  claiming  or  en-

titled to claim an interest in the compensation payable on account of the acquisition of the property

under Chapter  XXA of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

3. #  “Fair market value”, in relation to any immovable property transferred, means the price that immov-

able  property  would  ordinarily  fetch  on  sale  in  the  open  market  on  the  date  of  execution  of  the

instrument of transfer of such property.

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