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Format of Affidavit to be filed with application for Dissolution of Muslim Marriage

Legal Yojana

BEFORE THE HON'BLE ___________ COURT AT _______O.P. No of 20

Mrs. _______________________________                                PETITIONER


MR. ________________________________                                RESPONDENT


I, ____________________________, Wife of _____________, Daughter of ______ __________________________ , aged______ years, resident of _______________ , do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:

1. I say that, I am the deponent above named and I am well acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case. I am competent to swear to this affidavit.

2. I say that, I and my husband, namely the respondent herein are both Muslims and were married under the Muslim Law at _________, on______20__.

3. I say that, the respondent gone abroad for a job in the year________. There was communication from him for first 6 months. Thereafter I have not received any communication. We have tried to trace him from __________ country, but not information is received yet.

4. That the that whereabouts of the Respondent is not been known for a period of five years.

5. I say that, in view of the aforesaid fact, I am entitled to a decree for dissolution of my marriage with the respondent.

6. It is therefore, in the interest of justice, equity and conscience that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to issue appropriate orders for the dissolution of marriage.



Verified at on this the _____ day of ,20__ that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.



Solemnly affirmed and signed before me by the deponent, who is personally known to me, on this the day of ____,20__



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