KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that, I, AA., aged about _________ years,
Son of ___________________________,
Resident of ______________________, in consideration of Rupees _________ .
(Rs _________________________________________) only, receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, assign and transfer to Shri B.C., aged about _________ years,
Son of ___________________________,
Resident of ______________________, all my rights, title and interest in and to the within and foregoing agreement, subject to all the terms and conditions thereof and do hereby demise, release and relinquish unto the said B.C. all my rights, title and interest in and to the property within described and agreed to be assigned.
Dated, signed and executed at _________.this the _________ day of _________ in the year _________ Witness: Assignor. I, B.C., the above-named do hereby accept the foregoing assignment subject to all the terms and conditions thereof.
Witness: Assignee.
Note.— This instrument falls under Article 23 or 62 of Schedule I of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, depending on the property assigned.
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