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Writer's picture: Legal YojanaLegal Yojana

Updated: Jan 31


IN THE COURT OF THE....................

Suit No..................... of 19....................

C. D.................................................................... Plaintiff


C. F................................................................. Defendant

The abovenamed plaintiff most respectfully submits as under: —

1. That the plaintiff and the defendant purchased..................... Bighas land of Bhumldharl Khata No..................... of Village.................... Tahsil.................... District.................... on.................... 19.................... from..................... who claimed himself to the owner of the said land on the basis of a will left by.................... deceased in whose name the khata was entered in revenue records, but the name of the said.................... was not mutated at that date.

2. That on.....:.............. objected before the Tahsildar in mutation proceedings that the will was void, and he also had filed a suit No..................... of.................... in the court of the.................... for cancellation of the will and to be declared that he being the brother of the deceased was entitled to the land left by the deceased.

3. That the suit aforesaid was decreed in favour of.................... and the revenue case for mutation also was dismissed, and the plaintiff had to pay the cost of the suit aforesaid, Rs..................... /- besides.

4. That the cause of action arose on.................... when the decree of .................... was in the suit aforesaid was realised from the plaintiff alone, and this court has jurisdiction to decide the suit.

5. That the suit is valued at Rs........:............ /- the amount of contribution from the defendant claimed, and court fee is paid thereon.


The plaintiff claims payment of Rs..................... with interest from the date of filing the suit till payment, from the defendant.


Through Advocate 


I, abovenamed plaintiff, do hereby verify that the contents of paras .................... to.................... of the plaint are true to my personal knowledge and those of paras.................... and.................... thereof are based on legal advice which I believe to be true.

Verified on this................. day of.................... 19.................... at....................


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