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Writer's pictureLegal Yojana




  1. Information And Communication Any special arrangements required by the visitor(s) must be ascertained, where practicable, before arrival. This may include bringing vehicles or other machinery or substances on to site, or providing facilities for disabled people or those with language difficulties where English is not a first language. Upon arrival the visitor(s) must complete the required details in the register/visitors' book. 

  1. Visitors must be informed of the risks to which they may be exposed whilst on site and of the emergency arrangements, including the location of assembly points. Visitors must sign out before leaving the premises and Council property must be returned, where appropriate. Any problems encountered by visitors, or by employees with regard to visitors, should be reported to a responsible person so that corrective action can be taken. 

  1. Security Arrangements And High Risk Areas Security arrangements must be adhered to when visitors enter the building. Particular care must be taken of visitors entering areas of high risk and all systems of work which are in operation, must be fully complied with. Where a visitor is required to enter an area where limitation of access arrangements apply, access must be authorised and monitored by a responsible person. 

  1. Supervision Adequate supervision must be maintained while the visitor is on site. This includes ensuring the safe handling, transport and use of any articles and substances. Supervision must also be adequate to prevent the visitor from straying into hazardous areas and exposing him or herself to danger. 

  1. Details regarding arrangements for visitors, where applicable, must be ascertained and approved before entry is permitted. Children must be accompanied by a responsible person at all times. Permission to bring children on to site must be granted by a 3 responsible person before they enter the premises. A child is someone who is under the age of 16 years. 

  1. Personal Protective Equipment Visitors will be required to use any personal protective equipment that is necessary to safeguard their health and safety. 

  1. Emergency Procedures Full details of emergency procedures must be clearly indicated to visitors before entering the premises. Where an emergency arises, measures must be taken by a responsible person to ensure that visitors are accompanied to a place of safety and that they comply with Council procedures. Visitors must be accounted for during emergency and evacuation drills. 

  1. Accidents to Visitors Accidents and near-miss incidents, which occur to visitors, must be reported and followed up, in accordance with the Council's reporting policy and procedures. Whilst the Council is not legally responsible for first-aid provision to visitors, nevertheless, the policy is to afford visitors the same access to first aid as to its employees. 

  1. Where an incident results in a visitor's admittance to hospital, he or she must be accompanied by a responsible person. Records of followup action and any subsequent communication between the visitor and the Council must be kept. 

  1. Duties of Managers Manager’s have overall responsibility for visitors who enter their areas of authority. It is a management responsibility to ensure that any problems have been adequately resolved at the earliest opportunity and before visitors are permitted to proceed with their intended activity. 

  1. Duties Of Employees Employee’s must seek approval from a responsible person before arranging for a visitor to come on to site. Employees must take responsibility for visitors in their care and should ensure that the requirements of this policy are adhered to at all times. 

  1. Additional care and attention must be taken where children or disabled people enter the premises. Employees are responsible for making safe any plant and equipment with which they have been working. 


The three most important steps to take are listed below: 

• make sure that a responsible person knows the whereabouts of each visitor at all times 

• make sure that all visitors are made fully aware of all the arrangements for health and safety that apply to them 

• take all responsible steps to prevent visitors, including trespassers, from becoming exposed to hazards. 


  1. Records should be kept to enable all personnel on site to be accounted for, including visitors and contractors, for safety and security reasons. A primary purpose of these records is to assist in establishing the evacuation status of a premise during an emergency, for example by carrying out a roll call. 

  1. Typical records may include the following: 

•Name of visitors and name and address of their employer (where relevant) or other contact point in case of emergency 

• Details of visitors vehicles parked on site 

• Date and time of arrival and anticipated length of visit 5 

• Person or areas to be visited and identity of person responsible for the visitor 

• Details of any articles or substances which the visitor has brought on to site 

• Confirmation that relevant emergency procedures have been explained 

• Details of any visitors who may be at greater risk, e.g. children or disabled people 

• Date and time of departure.



• Ascertain any special arrangements required by visitors before their arrival. This may include bringing vehicles, machinery or substances on to site or making arrangements to deal with personal needs. 

• Upon arrival visitors must enter the relevant details into the register or visitors book. 

• All visitors must be advised of the risks to which they may be exposed whilst on site and the emergency arrangements, including the location of assembly points. 

• All security arrangements must be adhered to when visitors enter the building. 

• The responsible person must ascertain from visitors any risks to themselves or others arising from their activities whilst on site. 

• Visitors will be required to make full use of any personal protective equipment that is necessary to secure their health and safety. 

• Where entry into areas of limited access is required, this must be authorized and monitored by a responsible person. 

• All visitors must be supervised whilst on Council premises. 

• Visitors must be accounted for during emergencies and evacuation drills. 

• No children may enter the premises without prior knowledge and approval from an authorized person and must then be accompanied by a responsible person at all times. 

• Visitors must sign out before leaving the premises. 

• All hazardous areas must be suitably locked, guarded and signed as necessary to prevent unauthorized personnel from exposure to risk. Particular consideration must be given to security when the premises are unoccupied.

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